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Troubleshooting Coverage and Self-Service Help

For faster troubleshooting when encountering coverage that doesn't match the expected result, issuers can use features within the web browser to review the search results and coverage displayed to better understand whether it is indicative of an error, or requires a json file update to reflect the desired coverage.

Common questions about why providers or drugs are showing as covered or not covered can usually be resolved by understanding which NPI or RxCUI is actually in the search results. In the free web browser Google Chrome, the "inspect" tool will show the NPI or RxCUI of search results to facilitate this troubleshooting.

Tips for using the Inspect results:
  • Numbering starts at 0, not 1, so when troubleshooting you must match each result to the NPI record that falls with it in order (see arrows showing providers matched to their NPI)
  • Taking a screenshot here to show NPI or RxCUI is helpful when comparing plan results’ coverage of providers and drugs
  • Prior to submitting a help ticket, Issuers can utilize this method to ensure that the NPI or RxCUI that they are reporting issues with is truly the one they are seeing as “Covered” or “Not Covered”, “In Network” or “Out of Network” 

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