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URLs and Multiple SBC URLs


We noticed a potential technical issue with requiring issuers to include their URL to their summary of benefits and coverage for the specific plan or plan variation. In the 2016 Payment Notice CMS finalized a requirement that SBCs must be provided for each cost-sharing plan variation due to the differences in cost sharing for these plans. There is the potential that this field could display incorrect cost sharing information for those eligible for reduced cost sharing, if multiple URLs are incorrectly used by consumers.
We need clarification on what kind of URL needs to put in the Plans.JSON or whether multiple URLs are needed?    


The Formulary URL is an optional field, and will not be displayed within the consumer interface of Issuers' data. It will only be present in the files for the use of researchers and third party app developers, and it is at the Issuer's discretion to choose which URL to include.

The URL fields are to apply to whichever 14-digit HIOS ID they're included with. Detail is being captured at the 14-digit HIOS ID plan level, and variants are not being collected.


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