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Address and Street Address


On the provider JSON file what are the differences between the Address, Street Address, and Street Address 2?


Addresses is a container for the actual address information.
Address, Address 2, City, State, Zip, and phone are actual address fields to be filled out.


Can multiple addresses be included? Should all of a provider's addresses be included?
What if a provider has multiple addresses, but not all addresses are covered by all plans - can the provider entry be duplicated to capture this complex relationship?


Multiple addresses may be listed, and should include any practicing locations that are covered within the plan.
Provider entries can be duplicated to properly capture your address to covered plans relationships.


What should be included for a provider who does not serve their beneficiaries out of an office, but travels to them instead?


Address is a required field. If provider address is not available, Issuers should provide either a billing address or home address that is representative of the provider’s general location relative to the user’s zip code.


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