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Customer Feedback for the Provider Directory and Drug Formulary

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Knowledge Base

  1. JSON - Background Information 

    1. Online Resources
    2. Troubleshooting Coverage and Self-Service Help
  2. JSON - Dental / SADP 

    1. Stand Alone Dental Plans - File Location
    2. Stand Alone Dental Plans - Formulary Guidance
    3. Off-Exchange SADPs
  3. JSON - Errors 

    1. How do I add/change contacts for the CMS Machine Readable Data Error Report?
    2. What is an EOF error?
    3. What do the numbers in front of an error indicate?
    4. What is the difference between a 'warning' and an 'error'?
  4. JSON - File Formatting 

    1. JSON File Location on Issuer Website
    2. Multiple Files / Splitting Files
    3. Data Dictionary and Allowable Values
    4. Correct Formatting for null / "NULL" Values
    5. JSON Specification Version
  5. JSON - Index File 

    1. Index File Requirement
    2. Index File Submission and Updates
    3. Index File Formatting
    4. Sharing/Grouping Files with Other Issuers
    5. Issuer ID for Index File
  6. JSON - Programmatic Requirements 

    1. 2020 Programmatic Information
    2. 2017 Schema Update - Programmatic Information
    3. Requirements for SBM or just FFM?
    4. HTTPS and FTP Questions
    5. Large Group Coverage
  7. JSON - Specific Data Elements Information 

    1. Accepting Patients
    2. Address and Street Address
    3. Benefits/Telemedicine
    4. Cost-Sharing and Cost-Sharing Sub Fields
    5. Cost Sharing: Co-Insurance and Co-Payment "Not Applicable"
  8. Marketplace API 

    1. Marketplace API Overview
    2. Marketplace API Use Cases
    3. Marketplace API FAQs
  9. All articles 

    1. Online Resources
    2. JSON File Location on Issuer Website
    3. Index File Requirement
    4. Stand Alone Dental Plans - File Location
    5. Accepting Patients
    71 articles 

Feedback and Knowledge Base